Some things just aren’t worth investing in. The guy who never calls you before 9pm, the crumbling brasserie on the bad side of town… and those super cute shoes you know you’ll wear down cause you’ll wear them every day!
Let’s talk about what I never invest in when it comes to my French wardrobe.
Bad Fashion Investments
I’m an American living in Paris who is obsessed with French girl style. While Paris has endless options for fashion investment pieces, here are the pieces I just won’t invest in, no matter how tempting it may be!
Everyday Shoes
There are two trains of thought when it comes to shoes: you should invest in them because you wear them every day and need to be comfortable, or you shouldn’t invest in them because you wear them every day and they will wear down fast! I personally am of the latter camp. I don’t invest much in shoes I know I’ll be wearing every day like flats and leather ankle boots.
$300 for a t-shirt? I just won’t do it. Plus, I don’t like thick t-shirts. I’ll take the thin material of a cheap white t-shirt, any day!
There are so many ‘luxury’ sweaters out there that can cost upwards of $500. This is a hard one because having a quality 100% wool or 100% cashmere is a fall and winter wardrobe must-have. Yet every sweater I’ve owned has pilled within one season. With some digging, I’ve been able to find high-quality ones for a somewhat reasonable price, so sweaters are not clothing I’ll invest in. That being said, I won’t buy the $100 ones either. Even if they’re 100% cashmere or wool, they are always ultra-thin and low quality in my experience.
The price of jeans seems to be going up and up! It really baffles me how these casual pants have become a luxury purchase. Luckily there are lots of amazing jean brands which sell high-quality jeans at a good price. This is one pant I certainly don’t invest in.
I typically like to have a closet full of good tops, so I don’t spend too much on each. Plus, if the top is patterned, you can only wear it once or twice per season since it’s memorable. For that reason, I don’t splurge on tops.
Do you agree with this list? What do you never invest in?