The Polène Numéro Sept bag (Number Seven handbag) is my newest medium-sized leather handbag. It was designed by cult French leather goods designer, Polène.
Since it was fall, I got the bag in a beautiful burnt orange color called Terre de Sienne which loosely translates to “earth of Sienna.” The hue is an earthy, brown umber tone that pairs well with many French autumn outfits.
The Polène Number Seven bag itself is a square-shaped leather bag with a foldover flap, short handle, and long crossbody strap. The short handle falls gently over the front flap when the bag is worn crossbody, creating a gentle curve on the front of the bag. It’s quite beautiful!
The small golden clasp is easy to close and open. It even has a little ring that can be used to pull it open. Inside, the bag is quite spacious! It has a triangle-shaped interior when viewed from the side, meaning you can hold more at the bottom than at the top.
The Polène Numéro Sept bag measures 23 cm wide, 21 cm tall, and has a 12 cm depth. I highly recommend it!
Like all of Polène’s lovely creations, this handbag has been designed in Paris and made in Spain. The exterior is made of smooth, full-grain leather and the inner lining is made of suede.
Get all the details about this Polène bag here.
About Polène
Polène is a relatively new French handbag designer that is actually worn by French women. The French brand has exploded in popularity in France due to its high-quality handbag production and affordable prices. It’s like you’re getting a luxury leather handbag for 75% off. The brand was founded by three French siblings Mathieu, Antoine, and Elsa Mothay who named the brand after their Normandy country house. Polène ships to the United States or you can shop from their Parisian boutique on your next trip!
Polène Handbag Reviews
Read my other Polène handbag reviews here: